Monday, June 1, 2015

Final// my life goals

   My chair is unique because I made it and it represents me. My chair represents my life and what I'm striving for in my future. What motivated me to do a tree house and all the other elements on my chair was that I want to make something of my life. There are alot of emotions and voice in my chair, its more than just pictures. Like the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words, well in this case its a chair is worth a thousand words. My inspirations comes from my family and making them proud. My chair consist of the resting part is a tree house and the back is alot of tools and blue print, to me that represents the tools are what it takes to build your life and the right tools to make the tree house express the right choices to get to your goal. My parents gave me everything when they had nothing so i could go to school and have everything that i need. I pay them back by being the first on in my family to graduate high school and go off to college. I think that ive always based my art work and what manifest in it is my culture and background. So many people come here from mexico to be someone to have a voice and even though it may seem like they have little to them they have enough.  
   Honestly my work will always include my background and culture, my past is a big part of me and its shaped me into the person I am now. I will forever be grateful with all the things that my parents have done for me. Coming where I am from will always be influential in my artworks, it will always include a part of me and my current emotions toward life. The uniqueness of my chair is inspired by what I want in life and how I want people to view me. Having a voice in your artwork is very important it lets the people know what ypu are reaching for and what your theme is. My goal since I was little was to graduate high school. Being up on that stage getting that hangshake and my diploma, a smile and tears from my mom will forever be my dream and be included in each of my art work. Because she has done the impossible to make it happen.

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